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Maria Luisa Parra
Plot: Martin is a young linguist who decides to do research on the dying language Zikril, in a rural Mexican community. When he arrives, he faces the challenge of bringing together the last two speakers, Isauro and Evaristo (now in their 70s) and convince them to talk to each other again after a quarrel they [...]
Maria Luisa Parra
Martín es un joven lingüista que decide hacer investigación en una comunidad rural mexicana sobre la lengua zikril, a punto de extinción. Cuando llega a la comunidad, enfrenta el reto de reunir a los dos últimos hablantes del zikril, Isauro y Evaristo, (ahora en sus 70s) y debe convencerlos de que se hablen después de [...]
The indigenous languages are disappearing alarmingly at an unprecedented rate throughout the world. It is estimated that at least half of the world’s currently spoken languages will be extinct by the end of this century. This time ARHI has organized it’s concluding program named “ In My Own Words”on Indigenous language by holding two daylong [...]
The language paradise of India, North East India is equally on the brink of mass extinction of indigenous languages. Non-profit organization ARHI based in Assam has been long associated with revitalization of different indigenous languages through different initiatives. This time ARHI has organized it’s concluding program named “ In My Own Words”on Indigenous language by [...]
ARHI-a non profit organization based in Assam of North East India has been involved in revitalization of Indigeneous Tiwa language through language workshops since 2017.
State Library of Queensland
As part of State Library’s commitment to the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages, we will be promoting a ‘word of the week’ from one of the 125+ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages and dialects from across Queensland. State Library’s final ‘word of the week’ for the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages is [...]
Coalición Nacional Campesina y Urbana CNCU A.C.
Como parte de la “Campaña de concientización sobre la discriminación lingüística a personas que hablan una lengua materna”, CNCU presenta una infografía en el marco del Año Internacional de las Lenguas Indígenas por UNESCO, sobre las variantes lingüísticas del zapoteco perteneciente a la familia oto-mangue que muestra la diversidad cultural del país.
Indigenous Education Foundation As 2019 draws to a close, the international year of Indigenous languages, an uplifting and inspiring story emerges. IEF and our Indonesian partner organisation, a team of young, self-driven indigenous Mentawai, are thrilled to announce the successful publication of the first-ever Mattaoi Rereiket to Indonesian language dictionary. With changing education and social patterns, rapid [...]
Emily Taylor
To mark the UNESCO International Year of Indigenous languages, the EURid UNESCO IDN World Report 2019 features a special report on the online experience of European indigenous language communities. The report, authored by Valentina de Vito and commissioned by EURid the .eu domain name registry, provides case studies of three European indigenous languages (Catalan, Saami [...]
Oficina de UNESCO en Quito
From 26th to 28th of July, 47 young Ecuadorians, most of them students coming from diverse fields linked to informatics and software development, graphic design and communication sciences, participated in the “Hackaton Conecta Culturas”, co-organized by UNESCO Office in Quito, Corape, Medialab-CIESPAL and Deutsche Welle Akademie. The main objective of this event consisted on giving [...]
Translation Commons
Translation Commons is setting out the vision for a global workflow to digitize indigenous languages and enable them to participate in today’s digital opportunities. Information on Language Digitization workflow and a call to create a global coalition of nonprofit organizations working together.
Translation Commons
Recording of the presentation by Jeannette Stewart at the UNESCO HQ on Dec 6th, 2019 setting out the vision for a global workflow to digitize indigenous languages and enable them to partake to today’s digital opportunities.
Translation Commons
A step-by-step guide for language digitization.
Translation Commons
A step-by-step guide with flowcharts and simple tree-structure questions to help any community enable their language to become digital and supported on the internet.
State Library of Queensland
As part of State Library’s commitment to the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages, we will be promoting a ‘word of the week’ from one of the 125+ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages and dialects from across Queensland. This week’s word is nhani [pronounced nah-nee] from the Garaynbal language of Central Queensland. It means [...]
State Library of Queensland
On the 19 October, State Library of Queensland saw the opening of the Jarjum Stories exhibition in kuril dhagun showcase. Jarjum Stories is a celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children’s books and storytelling from classics such as The Legends of Moonie Jarl, Stradbroke Dreamtime and The Rainbow Serpent to contemporary stories. One of [...]
State Library of Queensland
On Wednesday 20 November, 2019, approximately 150 guests celebrated the official opening of Spoken: celebrating Queensland languages on the Queensland Terrace at the State Library of Queensland. The exhibition is part of State Library’s commitment to the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages. After the opening formalities, guests were able to view the exhibition at [...]
State Library of Queensland
As part of State Library’s commitment to the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages, we will be promoting a ‘word of the week’ from one of the 125+ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages and dialects from across Queensland. This week’s word is ngundindari [pronounced ngun-din-dah-ree with ‘ng’ one sound] from the Mithaka language of [...]
State Library of Queensland
As part of State Library’s commitment to the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages, we will be promoting a ‘word of the week’ from one of the 125+ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages and dialects from across Queensland. This week’s word is pama [pronounced pah-mah] from the Umbuygamu language of Cape York. It means [...]
Danika Robison
This short film, predominantly in Kichwa, documents the personal stories of former sweatshop workers of the San Pedro Textile Factory in the Otavalo, Ecuador region. Today, the former sweatshop is owned by a corporation of ex-workers and their families. They are the first indigenous owners of the space, and have turned it into a museum [...]
Translation Commons
Article online Global Voices, Posted 6 November 2019
Translation Commons
Presentation of IYIL 2019 in a conference session Presentation of Translation Commons Tech Development project for IYIL: “IL: Going Digital, getting started in technology”, a 30 page guidelines document. Presentation of Translation Commons University Events project for IYIL.
Translation Commons
Presentation of IYIL 2019 in a conference session Presentation of Translation Commons Tech Development project for IYIL: “IL: Going Digital, getting started in technology”, a 30 page guidelines document. Presentation of Translation Commons University Events project for IYIL.
Pawo Wróbel
Ge ´nar ´bede bi mede ar Juliana Maye ar ñähñu mengu Ns´ōtk´ani, Idalgo