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document | diagram by 12 days criterion closing a first ethnomathematical survey of rural Calendar by Lumbard language. 02h

Lumbard breeder and bruna alpina cow

This diagram details the 19 ways to count by 56 days, including an elongation by 57 days into rural Calendar by Lumbard language. These 19 ways are 7+11+7+5+1=31 manners to count 56 or 57 days using the sum-up mode and also the non-add-up or “linear” mode, joining two or more totem poles with the ephemeris of 2+2 equinoxes and solstices. Longest distances are by 4x56=224 days, and 26x56=1456 days, both in add-up mode, when the primitive longest distances are by 176 days and by 177+177=353 not 354 days, in non-add-up mode.
