From his vantage point in the lush rainforest of southeastern Mexico, the anthropologist, James D. Nations, delves into the social and ecological changes that are threatening the Lacandon Maya’s way of life and putting their language at risk of slipping away. While working to help maintain the language and the cultural knowledge it embodies, Jim [...]
Youth forum of schoolchildren Atalan. The forum was attended by 300 children from 14 municipal districts of the Republic of Tatarstan. Games and exercises for team building were held for children, and after that an ethnographic game “Descendants” was held. A round table on the topic “School and development of the Chuvash language” was held [...]
From October 01 to November 18, the interregional scientific and practical conference “Sharalar – nasel agachy” (“Pedigrees – the tree of generations”) was held. The Conference was attended by students of grades VII-XI of general education organizations located on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan and the subjects of the Russian Federation.
From November 21 to 27, the zonal stage of the Festival of students of multinational Sunday schools and schools with an ethno-cultural component of the content of education of the Republic of Tatarstan was held on the basis of the Center for Children and Youth Creativity in Almetyevsk. The performances of the participants were evaluated [...]
In the period from November 18 to 23, the zonal stages of the republican festival of children’s youth theaters “Sayyar” were held on the basis of the state theaters of the republic. The performances were in the native (Tatar, Chuvash, Udmurt, Mari, Mordovian) language of the peoples living on the territory of the Republic of [...]
My Mother Tongue. Preservation of Indigenous Languages in Russia. Almanac. Volume 2 – Moscow, Interregional Library Cooperation Centre, 2023, – 108 p. This collection of materials analyses the state-of-the-art, problems and prospects for preserving the languages of the indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation, issues of the elaboration and implementation of national policies aimed, in [...]
There are more than seven thousand languages on the planet, a vast majority of which are spoken and signed by Indigenous peoples. Over recent years, the linguistic rights of Indigenous peoples have gradually become a matter of international public interest, as languages around the world continue to disappear at alarming rates. If the global community [...]
Язык – это не только инструмент для общения, это еще и один из ключевых элементов культуры народа. Родной язык отражает мировоозрение, быт, историю и празднично-обрядовую культуру нации. Язык нации – это сказки и присказки, былины, былички и обрядовая поэзия, а еще это песня, сохраняющая уникальность речевого звучания на протяжении многих веков. 19 ноября в Ярославском [...]
La differenza di valore tra una lingua e l’altra, come tra la lingua della burocrazia e la lingua del posto, la fanno solo i “politicastri” per conservare il potere più distante possibile dalla terra. Chiamano “lingua” il linguaggio della burocrazia e “dialetto” il linguaggio delle genti, perchè sono due parlate diverse, però negano che siano [...]
Talking Planet Mi’kmaw Episode 5 ‘Popcorn’ – Mimi and Pip are hungry so Momo makes popcorn! Welcome to Talking Planet, an animated language teaching tool for early learners and their families. It has been developed specifically to bring indigenous and minority endangered languages into the home and the digital world through the gentle adventures of [...]
Talking Planet Mi’kmaw Episode 4 ‘Teeth’ – Mimi and Pip brush Momo’s monster teeth! Welcome to Talking Planet, an animated language teaching tool for early learners and their families. It has been developed specifically to bring indigenous and minority endangered languages into the home and the digital world through the gentle adventures of Mimi, Pip [...]
Talking Planet Mi’kmaw Episode 3 ‘Bed’ – Mimi and Pip make tired Momo a bed. Welcome to Talking Planet, an animated language teaching tool for early learners and their families. It has been developed specifically to bring indigenous and minority endangered languages into the home and the digital world through the gentle adventures of Mimi, [...]
Talking Planet Mi’kmaw Episode 2 ‘Soap’ – Mimi and Pip give muddy Momo a bubble bath! Welcome to Talking Planet, an animated language teaching tool for early learners and their families. It has been developed specifically to bring indigenous and minority endangered languages into the home and the digital world through the gentle adventures of [...]
Talking Planet Mi’kmaw Episode 1 Friends – Mimi and Pip play ball and Momo makes a friend! Welcome to Talking Planet, an animated language teaching tool for early learners and their families. It has been developed specifically to bring indigenous and minority endangered languages into the home and the digital world through the gentle adventures [...]
Вышел в свет второй выпуск альманаха «Мой родной язык. Сохранение языков коренных народов России», подготовленный Федеральным агентством по делам национальностей, Программой ЮНЕСКО “Информация для всех”, Комиссией Российской Федерации по делам ЮНЕСКО при содействии Министерства иностранных дел Российской Федерации. Программа «Мой родной язык» обеспечивает уникальные возможности для изучения языковой ситуации в различных субъектах Российской Федерации, межрегионального [...]
On October 3, 2023 the round table “Ethnocultural Mosaic” was held on the basis of the Municipal General Education Institution “Starobesovskaya basic general education school named after A.F. Yurtov” of Novomalyklinsky district of Ulyanovsk region in accordance with the implementation of the Plan of events dedicated to the 170th anniversary of the birth of A.F. [...]
Talking Planet Gaelic Episode 5 ‘Hungry’ – Mimi and Pip are hungry so Momo makes popcorn! Welcome to Talking Planet, an animated language teaching tool for early learners and their families. It has been developed specifically to bring indigenous and minority endangered languages into the home and the digital world through the gentle adventures of [...]
Talking Planet Gaelic Episode 4 ‘Teeth’ – Mimi and Pip brush Momo’s monster teeth! Welcome to Talking Planet, an animated language teaching tool for early learners and their families. It has been developed specifically to bring indigenous and minority endangered languages into the home and the digital world through the gentle adventures of Mimi, Pip [...]
Talking Planet Gaelic Episode 2 ‘Bath’ – Mimi and Pip give muddy Momo a bubble bath! Welcome to Talking Planet, an animated language teaching tool for early learners and their families. It has been developed specifically to bring indigenous and minority endangered languages into the home and the digital world through the gentle adventures of [...]
Talking Planet Gaelic Episode 2 ‘Bath’ – Mimi and Pip give muddy Momo a bubble bath! Welcome to Talking Planet, an animated language teaching tool for early learners and their families. It has been developed specifically to bring indigenous and minority endangered languages into the home and the digital world through the gentle adventures of [...]
Talking Planet Gaelic Episode 1 ‘Friends’ – Mimi and Pip play ball and Momo makes a friend! Welcome to Talking Planet, an animated language teaching tool for early learners and their families. It has been developed specifically to bring indigenous and minority endangered languages into the home and the digital world through the gentle adventures [...]
To monitor and evaluate progress towards the desired impact of the IDIL2022-2032, that Indigenous languages are preserved, revitalized, promoted, and used across all socio-cultural, economic, environmental, and political domains and are drivers for building peace, justice, development, and reconciliation in our societies, the IDIL Monitoring and Evaluation Framework proposes a methodology that is both user-centric [...]