La più antica numerazione rintracciabile nel nostro Calendario campestre ha due stagioni da 182+182 giorni più i 3 de La Mærla (giravolta o rotazione) al modo “lineare” portando i 364 giorni a ripartire dal primo dell’anno, salvo nell’anno bisestile quando il terzo giorno de La Mærla è invece l’ultimo dell’anno; in una epoca successiva, i [...]
On May 16, 2024, a meeting of the National Education Section was held. A total of 200 teaching staff took part in the event. Exhibitions of textbooks and books, handicrafts, national costumes, Tatar cuisine and much more were organized within the framework of the event.
On May 16, 2024, a sectional meeting of the National Education of education and science workers of the Republic of Tatarstan was held in the Republic of Tatarstan. Within the framework of the events, exhibitions of textbooks and books, handicrafts, national clothes and much more were organized and master classes of educational organizations were held.
From May 1 to May 4, 2024, the full-time stage of the Interregional Olympiad in native languages of Siberia and the Far East took place in Gorno-Altaysk of the Altai Republic, which was attended by students of the Republic of Tatarstan. The participants worthily presented a project on native languages, literature, folklore, and culture of [...]
The main objectives of the Institution’s activities are to identify, study, preserve and develop the traditional culture of the peoples living in the territory of the Bokhansky municipal district and, in accordance with the goals and objectives, the action plan of the institution for 2024 has been approved.
Ce livre, adapté à tous les âges, a pour objectif de rendre un projet de recherche de maîtrise plus accessible en expliquant des concepts scientifiques de manière simplifiée. “Il était une fois, une jeune fille nommée Féerique et ses amies, qui se promenaient le long d’une plage quand elles firent une rencontre surprenante ; un [...]
This book, intended for all ages, is an attempt to make a masters’ research project more accessible, by explaining simplified scientific concepts. “Once upon a time, a young girl named Irony and her friends were walking on a beach when they had a surprise encounter with a young man, Dom, who had been preserved in [...]
On April 24, 2024, an educational event was held in schools of the Republic of Tatarstan with the Chuvash ethnocultural component of the educational content and the study of the Chuvash language. The All-Chuvash dictation is held in order to create conditions for the preservation, study, development and popularization of the Chuvash language, dedicated to [...]
Los libros infantiles de Casa Areyto son para niños de 0 a 8 años y promueven el aprendizaje del idioma y la cultura taína. Nuestros libros adoptan un enfoque interdisciplinario para desarrollar habilidades lingüísticas (español, inglés y taíno), comprensión histórica y aprecio por nuestro patrimonio indígena. Además, fortalecen la identidad cultural y la autoestima de [...]
Casa Areyto’s children’s books are for kids aged 0 to 8 years old and promote learning the Taíno language and culture. Our books take an interdisciplinary approach to develop language skills (Spanish, English, and Taíno), historical understanding, and appreciation for our Indigenous heritage. Additionally, they strengthen children’s cultural identity and self-esteem through rhyming stories and [...]
¡Aprende el alfabeto, los nombres de los animales, los alimentos y otros conceptos básicos en taíno! Esta lista de videos es perfecta para niños de 0 a 6 años y está basada en el Primario Básico del Taíno-Borikenaíki de Javier A. Hernández, autor y lingüista boríkua. ¡Ahora tus pequeños también podrán aprender el taíno! Edades: [...]
Learn the alphabet, animal names, foods, and other Taíno basics! This playlist is perfect for kids ages 0-6 and is based on the Primario Básico del Taíno-Borikenaíki by Javier A. Hernández, author and Boríkua linguist. Now your little ones can learn Taíno, too! Ages: 0-6 Lessons: 30+ Topics: Alphabet, Animals, Foods, and more!
¿Sabía que habla el taíno? 😱 Únase a Casa Areyto en nuestro viaje para aprender el taíno, el primer idioma nativo americano con que se encontraron los europeos. Las influencias de la lengua y la cultura taína se sienten en todo el mundo, pero sus contribuciones casi se han perdido a través de la historia. [...]
Did you know that you speak Taíno? 😱 Follow Casa Areyto on our journey to learn Taíno, the first Native American language encountered by Europeans. The influences of the Taíno language and culture can be felt the world over, but its contributions have nearly been lost to history. With your help, we can bring this [...]
On April 24, 2024, at the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication of Kazan Federal University, an award ceremony was held for the winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Competition of Young Poets and Writers “Ilham” (“Inspiration”). The main purpose of the competition is the preservation and development of the Tatar language, literature and culture, [...]
Aware of the importance of preserving their identity, indigenous teachers in the Kamarata Valley base the education of their children and young people on the intercultural bilingual approach. To meet this objective, they promote the design of educational and interpretation resources with special attention to documenting the operational processes of daily life in their own [...]
The XI International Olympiad in the Tatar language was held from April 17 to 20, 2024 in Kazan on the basis of the Baitik children’s health camp. The participants of the Olympiad were: students of grades 8-11, students and students of foreign countries, students of grades 8-11 of educational organizations and Sunday schools of the [...]
Nel diagramma mostriamo la Data dei 51 Totem campestri affiancati nei quattro anni del differenziale bisestile, con la loro posizione su una specie di “astrolabio orizzontale” che presumiamo rotondo… sia per la Data degli àzimut e sia perchè alcune distanze tra un Totem e l’altro mostrano chiaramente l’uso pel pi-greco… una cosa che serve soltanto [...]
Posizione dei 51 Totem campestri sull’astrolabio orizzontale, nei quattro anni del differenziale bisestile, confrontando con tutti gli azimut del Sole all’orizzonte di alba e tramonto. Si noti che (a parte l’inverno) la posizione degli àzimut del Sole all’orizzonte di alba e tramonto si trova a pacchetti di cinque/sei Totem, collocati attorno a una Data che [...]
Posizione dei 51 Totem campestri ovvero festività tradizionali o ricorrenze sui 56 marcatori nel cerchio di un astrolabio orizzontale, durante il differenziale bisestile di quattro anni: è l’unico modo di assecondare il proverbio de La Merla, che dice 3+3 giorni “dati/restituiti” e cioè chiaramente “al di fuori” del conteggio pluriennale, costituito dai 13+13=26 cinquantaseiesimi tra [...]
Confronto degli azimut all’orizzonte del sorgere della Luna e del Sole, da cui appare evidente come la misurazione della Luna sia inadatta per conservare la Data da un anno coll’altro ed inutile per sincronizzare equinozii e solstizii. Non è affidabile: non ripete mai nessuna Data tra due solstizii consecutivi alla distanza di 365/366 giorni. Al [...]
Sono indicate le effemeridi per equinozii e solstizii tra l’anno 2009 ed il 2011 tipicamente valide per 2000/3000 anni all’interno del ciclo delle precessioni: uno zero teorico di longitudine si può considerare l’appuntamento del perielio con uno qualsasi dei 2+2 “nodi” annuali ripetendosi all’incirca ogni 5000/6000 anni. L’ultimo appuntamento è stato nel medioevo con il [...]
Diagramma per evidenziare la finzione delle “correzioni” di calendario eseguite dal Clero nell’anno 1582 e spacciate anche per l’anno 325 della nostra era volgare. Se c’è stato un disinteresse millenario per la sincronizzazione della Data solare, dipende dalla imposizione ed impostura del Calendario clericale, che non ha gli anni di 365/366 giorni ed imposto come [...]