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video | Saint Anthony the Abbot, a Neapolitan rite and tradition

On the occasion of the anniversary of the day dedicated to Saint Anthony the Abbot on 17th of January, the Accademia Napoletana, to the Neapolitan language preservation, realizes a video document in collaboration with Maestro Lello Traisci. Our goal is to raise awareness about the cultural identity and heritage of Campania region, its tradition and its language, the Neapolitan. The work is embellished by the voice of the unforgettable Maestro Marcello Colasurdo.

As Accademia Napoletana we promote the Neapolitan language in all its expressions, especially popular, musical, cultural ones and Saint Anthony fest is one of the most heartfelt and profound traditions of the people of Campania and the Southern Italy (and beyond) in which the Neapolitan language is widespread in its local variations.

Returning to Sant'Antuono (Saint Anthony in Neapolitan) and the ritual of the bonfires ('o cippo, in the Neapolitan language) dedicated to him, it is necessary to remember the rural and popular origins of the anniversary, deeply connected to the agricultural calendar (waiting for the flowering of the seed that rests and grows) and to the cycle of death and life as expressed in Neapolitan: "Sant'Antuono, jett' 'o vviecchio and ddacce 'o nnuovo" (Saint Anthony throw away the old things and give us the new) which always rises from the ashes.

We therefore consider essential today more than ever to make our contribution to raise awareness of the truthful, profound knowledge of our most intimate, if we can say so, Neapolitan identity which is expressed in our Neapolitan language to protect it from any external interference.
