video | Kiwari Taino Ahuiki’no / Queer Taino Voices / Voces Taínes LGBT2S
Presentation language: Spanish/English with Spanish/English subtitles
About the presentation:
Kiwari Taino Ahuiki'no (Queer Taino Voices), a project by Ra Jikotea Niaku'no (Ra Ruiz León) began as an effort to document the life stories of Queer Taino folks. In this panel discussion, we will be in conversation with several LGBT2s members of our community who will share their stories. We will also discuss the significance of past Kiwari Taino Ahuiki'no events. The panelists and host will take questions from the audience at the end.
Learn more about the presenters:
Ra Ruiz León (Jikotea Niaku'no)
Gladys Yacely Aponte
Instagram: @gyaponte
Jeannette Rodriguez Píneda
Instagram: @Jeannette_Pineda_
Kuia Díaz (Kuiaiakuno Kekiwanei Ikitalo)
Instagram: @Kuia_ia
Gé Castro
Instagram: @gedgatx
Nivia Toro
About Reencuentro Taíno Conference:
This first-of-its kind event, focused on the evolution of the Taíno language and featured linguists working on language revitalization, archeologists, artists, musicians, spiritual leaders, and esteemed members of our Taíno community from around the world.
To learn more, please follow @tainoconference or visit us at