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Biskaabiiyaang: The Indigenous Metaverse

Imagine a world where Anishinaabe culture and language thrives, where anyone can go on adventures or sit by the fire and listen to the Elders’ teachings. A world where even the trees, plants, fish, and birds all have something to teach through quests, stories, and the language itself. Imagine a place where you can connect with others and learn how to be well in the world. Welcome to Biskaabiiyaang.

By fusing virtual metaverse technologies and traditional Anishinaabe storytelling practices, Biskaabiiyaang provides inclusive, sustainable, high-quality intercultural learning materials produced by and in support of Indigenous Peoples.

Our mission is to create an online space where Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples can experience an Indigenized curriculum and learn Anishinaabemowin (the Ojibwe language) together. Using quests, virtual activities, and learning games, Biskaabiiyaang aims to help increase the number of second-language speakers over the next decade.

Biskaabiiyaang is an Indigenous-led project partnered with the Nokiiwin Tribal Council, York University, and UniVirtual. Contributors include Anishinaabe Elders, the Indigenous Youth Council, and students from York University.

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Biskaabiiyaang (sometimes spelled biskaabiiyang) describes the experience of having been on a long journey, then reaching the point of returning home. It is an Anishinaabe word for cultural resurgence, for resisting colonial violence, and for reclaiming our ways of being Anishinaabe through contemporary practices.

Our metaverse, created to archive, safeguard, and revitalize Indigenous knowledge and language supports the IDIL’s Global Action Plan by providing a sustainable, lifelong learning environment. Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples will be able to access Biskaabiiyaang as part of their formal or non-formal education at any time, regardless of geographical location.

In line with the IDIL Global Action Plan’s outputs, our process and vision recognizes and respects Indigenous knowledge. Through systems of digital empowerment, First Nation Elders, Anishinaabe community members, and the Indigenous Youth Council are contributing their expertise to create a rich, immersive learning environment delivering programs in Indigenous knowledge, histories, language, sciences, and philosophies.

Biskaabiiyaang will allow users to experience Indigenous living heritage in real time. They'll learn language and cultural competency skills, and access high-quality intercultural educational materials produced by and in support of Indigenous Peoples. Our focus areas are Language Learning, Truth and Reconciliation, Health & Wellbeing, Cultural Histories, Indigenous Storytelling Practices, all with an aim towards Anishinaabe resurgence.

Virtual Reality, Metaverse Learning, Language Learning, Cultural Competency Training, Higher Education, Indigenous Studies