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Mobilizing NGOs for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages and the Ocean Decade

Conferences / Advisory Event

21/11/2022 9:15 - 22/11/2022 16:00

Global | Ottawa | In-Person | En personne, Virtual | Virtuel

International meetings

Languages: English, French

We are pleased to announce the 13th International Forum of NGOs!

Organized by the NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee in close cooperation with the UNESCO Secretariat, the 13th International Forum of NGOs in official partnership with UNESCO will take place at the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa, Canada, on 21 and 22 November 2022, on the theme “Mobilizing NGOs for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages and the Ocean Decade”, with a focus on the ongoing International Decades: International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL2022-2032) and the International Decade of of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030).

The main objective of the Forum will be to identify concrete examples of good practices and grass-root actions as well as building new synergies, encouraging cross-disciplinary actions and networking for the successful performance of the ongoing International Decades.

The Forum will delve into the different dynamics and dimension from thematic points of view, and from the notion of join action in the form of different Panels.

To ensure a transversal and multi-stakeholder dimension, the two-day discussion will follow a structured dialogue approach with civil society, Member States, decision makers, programme experts, and academia.

This Forum will gather NGOs in official partnership with UNESCO, but is also open to the participation of other institutions and representatives of Member States. The registration, the provisional programme, practical information and working documents are available on the website of theNGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee.


Within the framework of the Directives concerning UNESCO’s partnership with non-governmental organizations (36 C/Res. 108), the International Forums of NGOs are organized twice a year on a priority issue of the Organization, by the NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee. The NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee is an entity composed of NGOs in official partnership with UNESCO elected every two years by the International Conference of NGOs.

International Decade of Indigenous Languages