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International Contest of Audiovisual Works – “Give me 1 minute of WORDS”

Development Activity

28/10/2022 0:00 - 31/01/2023 11:59

Global | Bilbao | Online


Languages: English, Spanish, Basque

UNESCO Etxea holds its 13th

Annual Contest of  Audiovisual Works

Give me 1 minute of WORDS


UNESCO Etxea – UNESCO Centre of the Basque Country, is a Basque NGO of international vocation that has spent 29 years working towards achieving a ‘Culture of Peace’ and ensuring Sustainable Human Development with recognized rights and responsibilities. We work for a world in which people, social organizations, language and cultural communities and nations all contribute to the building of a global democratic society. We share UNESCO’s constitutional mandate to build a fair, dignified peace based on people and their supreme dignity and values.

‘Give me 1 Minute of…’ aims to raise awareness, report violations, and defend the human rights of all people; to defend social justice, equality, and the development of people and towns guaranteed by human rights.

‘Give me 1 ´Minute of…’ claims that all individuals are equal and we have the same rights and obligations; and we should all defend the rights of all people. Nobody can void these rights and we all have the obligation to safeguard it wherever it is violated.

The audiovisual contest “Give me 1 Minute of… WORDS” will raise awareness of cultural and linguistic diversity and the place of cultural and linguistic rights within the human rights system.


Give me 1 minute of WORDS

Deadline for registration and submission ‘Give 1 minute of WORDS’ audiovisual Works: January 31, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.

The audiovisual works must not exceed one minute in duration (This maximum time limit does not include film credits). May be presented in any language and submitted in one of the following formats: .mov, .avi, .flv, .mpeg, .mp4.

There are no limit on the number of entries per person. Groups may submit joint Works.

Entries may be filmed with mobile/cell phones, Iphones, webcams or digital cameras, whenever the format fits one of the five indicated formats (.mov, .avi, .flv, .mpeg or .mp4), and has the best resolution possible.

All technology and post-production techniques are acceptable.

You can register 

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