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National Action Plans

National Action Plans are developed by national governmental organizations in coordination with Indigenous Peoples’ institutions and organizations, as well as with various public and academic research bodies, together with other public and private partners working at national and local levels. The National Action Plans outline individual governments’ approaches and courses of action for localizing the Global Action Plan. Aligned to the Global Action Plan, the National Action Plans provide guidance for government agencies and competent bodies, as well as for civil society organizations, and other public-private organizations to develop their own institutional plans. Ultimately they provide an opportunity to adapt the Global Action Plan to the particularities of the infrastructural, legal, political, and social context through which Indigenous languages are addressed in any given country. 

Aligned to the Global Action Plan, the National Action Plans will provide guidance for government agencies and competent bodies, as well as for civil society organizations, and other public-private organizations to develop their own institutional plans.

National Action Plans of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages


National Action Plan for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages in Norway

National Action Plan for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages in Norway


The Action Plan For The International Decade Of Indigenous Languages (IDIL 2022 – 2032) In The Russian Federation


Action Plan for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages in Colombia

Plan Decenal Lenguas Nativas de Colombia


Action Plan for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages in Brazil


Action Plan for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages in Perú

Política Nacional de Lenguas Originarias, Tradición Oral e Interculturalidad al 2040


Action Plan for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages in Guatemala

Plan de Acción Nacional del Decenio Internacional de los Idiomas Indígenas de Guatemala 2022-2032


Action Plan for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages in Bolivia

Plan Estratégico para el Decenio de Lenguas Indígenas-Originarias de Bolivia 2022-2032


Action Plan for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages in Venezuela

Plan Nacional de Presevación, Fortalecimiento y Revitalización de los Idiomas Indígenas en Venezuela


National Action Plan for the International Decade of Indigneous Languages 2022-2032 in Australia

Voices of Country


Action Plan for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages in Africa

Plan d'Action Régional Afrique