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Jevgeni Karakin
An online competition of photographs of students, undergraduates, residents, graduate students of Petrozavodsk State University, pupils of secondary schools in Petrozavodsk (grades 8-11), dedicated to the Year of Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of Russia in the Russian Federation, has ended in the Scientific Library of PetrSU. Students of educational institutes of Petrozavodsk State University [...]
Jevgeni Karakin
In the reading room of the Scientific Library of Petrozavodsk State University, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the online contest “Reading the runes of the Kalevala epic”, dedicated to the Year of Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of Russia in the Russian Federation, took place. The results of the online competition “Reading [...]
Ministry of Culture and Archives of the Sakhalin Region
The “Plan of main events for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages in the Sakhalin Region in 2022-2032” includes 115 events organized by cultural institutions in the island region.
Ksenia Iunina
The document was adopted within the framework of the UNESCO world program “Decade of Indigenous Languages”. The UN General Assembly called on UN member States to create “a national mechanism with adequate financial resources for the successful implementation of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages.” The only indigenous people of the Altai Territory are the [...]
Anton Buneev
This colorful musical-culinary, family-friendly holiday took place on August 14, in the old center of Biysk in the Leonid Garkavy Park of Culture and Recreation. The International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples was established by the UN General Assembly in 1994 and is celebrated annually on August 9. The number of indigenous peoples on [...]
Alena Gavrilenko
Final document of the High-Level International Conference “World Treasury of Mother Tongues: Nourish and Cherish. National and International Context, Policies and Practices to Preserve Indigenous Languages” (5-7 July 2022, Moscow, Russian Federation) An international working group has completed work on the Moscow Declaration on Mother Tongues Preservation. The final document of the High-Level International Conference [...]
Alena Gavrilenko
Международная рабочая группа завершила работу над Московской декларацией о сохранении родных языков. Итоговый документ Международной конференции высокого уровня «Всемирная сокровищница родных языков: оберегать и лелеять. Контекст, политика и практика сохранения языков коренных народов», состоявшейся 5–7 июля 2022 г. в Москве, был выработан совместными усилиями участников конференции из 44 стран. Конференция явилась значимым вкладом России в [...]
Ife Adebara
Language identification (LID) is a crucial precursor for NLP, especially for mining web data. Problematically, most of the world’s 7000+ languages today are not covered by LID technologies. We address this pressing issue for Africa by introducing AfroLID, a neural LID toolkit for 517 African languages and varieties. AfroLID exploits a multidomain web dataset manually [...]
Pavel Ivashov
Форум включил в себя очную программу в Нижнем Тагиле, творческие конкурсы и викторину, посвященную Дню народного единства. С 13 по 14 ноября в Нижнем Тагиле собрались специалисты, руководители общественных объединений, лидеры интернациональных клубов и землячеств, а также иностранные граждан, чтобы познакомиться, рассказать о своих проектах и странах, а также узнать новое о культуре разных национальностей. [...]
Irkutsk Regional State Budgetary Institution of Culture "Center of culture of the indigenous peoples of the Baikal region"
“Заншал” – это проект, направленный на популяризацию бурятского языка в культурно-образовательном формате, сохранение и поддержка национально-культурной и языковой среды в местах компактного проживания бурят в Иркутской области. Заншал – это путь к возрождению традиций, бережно хранимых представителями бурятского народа. Живое общение, игры, песни, совместное чтение, образовательные мастер-классы как для детей, так и для взрослых.
dairy store 1910 of a sharpshooter in 1848 war
Mario Venturini
The use of duodecimal system, as preserved today into rural measurements and into rural Calendar, grants two “social institutions” that could not be shared with any Roman system, nor with any barbarian immigrants, but are archaic, aboriginal traditions.
is the homepage appearance of the website
Amina Mettouchi
Ministry for external relations and etnic affairs of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
This plan contains information about the main events held within the framework of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages ​​in 2022-2032 in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The plan has been approved by Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Sergei Vasilievich Mesctnikov on July 21, 2022. The main executors of [...]
Cover Page of the Afrikaans Action Plan
Conrad Nel
The suggested action plan has been put together by an indigenous language speaker, who wishes to promote his goals and request assistance from any person, institution, or community, locally or internationally, to assist in ensuring this project is carried out in the way that the original individual envisioned. The suppression and violation of human rights [...]
Poster of Gyani Maiya. © 2022. Subhashish Panigrahi. CC BY-SA 4.0.
subhashish panigrahi
Kusunda as a language almost ceased to exist, but the wisdom of one late community elder Gyani Maiya Sen-Kusunda with some external support, is helping children learn a language long forgotten. “Gyani Maiya” is a documentary film in the critically-endangered Kusunda language of Nepal and was directed and produced by Subhashish Panigrahi with funding support [...]
Milano cars tramways and bicycles
Mario Venturini
Lumbard language first peculiarities are the refusal of declensions and demolition of alien vowels or consonants around the limits of Alpina and Altaitalia Language Dominion. Positions of isoglosse lines n.1 n.2 n.3 on Alpine range and n.10 n.11 n.12 n.13 on Apennine watershed (by AIS/CNR 1977 map) are consistent with the early practices of plants [...]
Alésia Chevaleret
Currently the server offers bi-weekly class/chat in Louisiana Creole with a native Louisianan who grew up speaking the language. We would like to find more people interested in joining, but the server also offers many other languages. I’d like to organize classes/chats in as many languages as possible. Even though I’m a polyglot myself, I [...]
Indigenous-Led Education Network (ILED)
¡#PassItOn ya está publicado! Lea la primera publicación de @ILEDNetwork – enlace abajo. Descubra las historias de la educación liderada por los Indígenas en 6 países diferentes, y conozca los retos a los que se enfrentan las comunidades Indígenas de base y cómo los superan. Esta publicación es una edición especial que celebra las lenguas [...]
Indigenous-Led Education Network (ILED)
#PassItOn is now live! Read the first @ILEDNetwork spotlight publication. Discover stories of Indigenous-led Education from 6 different countries, and find out about the challenges Indigenous grassroots communities face and how they overcome them. This publication is a special edition celebrating Indigenous Languages during the UN International Decade of Indigenous Languages 2022-2032. Read the publication: [...]
milano tramways
Mario Venturini
The isoglosses n.6 and n.7 are dubbed as “highest of celtic markers” but these vowels are created early by ancient Ligyes of Chassey-Lagozza-Cortaillod industry and culture when the Celts do not existed at all, as never existed a celtic “oppidum” in Milano where the grass level by our prehistory was a flat meadow accomodating fountains [...]
Vasiliki Vita
To what extent and how have endangered language communities been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic? Typically, the most fluent speakers, holders of linguistic and traditional knowledge, are of the oldest generation, particularly vulnerable to Covid. In addition, minority communities are frequently disadvantaged and suffer from high levels of poverty and health problems such as diabetes. [...]
AEIOU Universe
Indigenous leadership is sustainable. That is why we included indigenous wisdoms, embedded in the words Aroha – Eb – Ikigai – Oikos – Ubuntu in to the AEIOU leadership model. Aroha comes from New Zealand, Eb from Central America, Ikigai from Japan, Oikos from Greece, and Ubuntu from South Africa. Together they represent leading based [...]