Como parte de las actividades del Decenio Internacional de las Lenguas Indígenas IDIL 2022-2032, nos constituimos en un pueblo de nombre “Juch’uy Irupampa” el jueves 23 de febrero de 2023. Allí, como todos los años en esta época de carnavales o Pukllay, las autoridades locales, en esta oportunidad el Kuraka, se disponen a recibir la [...]
This video is a book review discussion with Sarkar Baskey.
This video is about awareness programme. The language of Programme is ‘Santali’ which is a tribal language of India, Bangaldesh and Nepal Country. Our Self Governance system “Majhi Pargana Bebotha’ were organiesd this Programme.
This is Concept part of my Book ‘Model Santal Village. This book is about how to develop a village. How A Village become Model Village.
This is the Programme Schedule of Workshop Cum Village Cum Visit Programme Held on 6th to 9th March on 2023 at Rajdoha Village.
UN DESA Policy Brief No. 151: Why Indigenous languages matter: The International Decade on Indigenous Languages 2022–2032 10 February 2023 Languages are one of the most significant emblems of human diversity, revealing how we can perceive, relate to, and understand the world differently. Languages are vehicles of our cultures, collective memory and values. They are [...]
Santal Community are the Third Largest Tribal Community of India. They have their Self Governance System – Called Majhi Pargana System. Marriage Ceremony is held between Majhi Hopon Hoponera. Music and dance is the main attraction in Cultural Function.
This is the traditional Dance of Santal Community.
मजबूत: जैसे-जैसे तकनीकें आगे बढ़ती हैं, उपयोगकर्ताओं को सामग्री तक पहुंचने में सक्षम होना चाहिए। WCAG का मुख्य नियम। निजी और सरकारी वेबसाइटें W3C के WCAG का अनुसरण कर रही हैं। आपकी वेबसाइट आपकी ज़िम्मेदारी है, आपको कॉपी/पेस्ट अपनी वेबसाइट पर इस नई तकनीक को प्राप्त करना चाहिए, और अधिक प्राप्त करें दुनिया में भी [...]
Robust: users must be able to access the content as technologies advance. The main rule of the WCAG. Private and government websites are following W3C’s WCAG. Your website is your responsibility, you should copy / paste this new tool on your websites, get more growth in the world also. Our world has multiple mother languages [...]
On International Mother Language day start using Web accessibility tool of on websites. As we know 21 February is International Mother Language Day. We should also support Mother Languages, Web accessibility Tool of gives help to visit websites for local languages public. So, Implement the Web accessibility tool of on your all [...]
Edited volume from the 2019 IYIL Perspectives conference ( The 221-page volume contains 16 chapters written by Indigenous community members addressing issues related to Indigenous languages.
A ll’accasione d’ ‘a Jurnata ‘Nternazziunala d’ ‘a Lengua ‘e Tata, chist’anno care ‘a vintiquattresima, comme Accademmia Napulitana p’ ‘a lengua e ‘a curtura napulitana, vulimmo scrivere coccosa ‘ncopp’ a ccomme s’hadda fà lezziona ausanno tanta lengue e nnu’ssulo chella nazziunale. Chesto nuje facimmo comme Accademia Napulitana p’ ‘e ccriature ‘e Napule. The 24th edition [...]
The issue 12 of the Linguapax Review explores practices of defense, claim and revitalization of minority languages through film and audiovisual works. The monograph features articles on specific cases, such as Neapolitan in Italian cinema or the indigenous film and arts festival Ficwallmapu, as well as reflections on the representation and identification of cinema and [...]
“The co-editors made an incredibly insightful choice by highlighting the relation between Creole and Kreyòl languages, decolonization, and ancestralityAn incredibly insightful choice by highlighting the relation between Creole and Kreyòl languages, decolonization, and ancestrality” (Pr Maldonado-Torres). À l’intersection de la langue, de la politique de la mémoire et du tourisme patrimonial, cet ouvrage collectif démontre [...]
Français: #536 dans la série des Légendes Bilingues. Lorsque Gwendal rentre chez lui après avoir passé de nombreuses années à naviguer sur les mers, son incapacité à parler sa propre langue pourrait déterminer s’il vit ou meurt aux mains d’une sirène rusée ! Basée sur la légende de la cité engloutie de Kêr-Ys, cette histoire [...]
An Article Series on “Digital Skills and Career Planning” in regional Marathi Language in Daily Sakal written by Prof. Dr Dipak Tatpuje during the June 2022 to Dec. 2022.
Children’s language constitutes the essential link in the transmission of language from one generation to the next. This paper discusses how sketch grammars of child language can contribute to the linguistic training of a language community and language preservation.
One of the forms of knowledge transfer about the people is folklore. Fairy tales are accessible, and most importantly, they convey the identity of any ethnic group in an interesting way, therefore they attract the attention of both children and adults. They contain the core of spiritual values that express both collective and individual principles. [...]
Culture and history are invisible threads connecting the past with the future. The transfer of cultural experience is extremely important in today’s dynamically developing society. The Sakhalin region became home to many peoples: Tonchi, Ainu, Nivkh, Evenki, Uilta, Nanais lived here. Representatives of a large number of peoples live in the region even now. Which [...]