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Youth Educational Forum “Moscow multifaced and multilingual”

Capacity building Event

07/12/2023 0:00 - 0:00

Europe and North America | Moscow | Moscow Pedagogical State University


Languages: Russian

On December 7, 2023, in the Moscow Pedagogical State University was held a Youth Educational Forum for schoolchildren and college students – “Moscow Multifaceted and Multilingual”. The project is aimed at ethno-cultural education and development of project activities of students on the topic of cultural and linguistic diversity of Moscow and Russia.

The Forum events are traditionally held in a mixed format, so that those who are unable to come in person can also join in and take part in the discussion platforms. In addition to MPGU students, the Forum-2023 was attended by students from six Moscow educational organizations: four schools – No. 504, No. 1231 named after V.D. Polenov, No. 2120 and No. 2097, as well as two colleges – Moscow Technological College and College of Economics, Insurance and Information Technologies.

This year’s Forum program included two discussion platforms on topical issues and two creative workshops. While offline participants were coming to the university, the discussion platform “Dream Teacher: how do I see him/her?” was held online.

The creative workshop “Neighborhood Brand” was devoted to the practices of creating a brand of a place. The participants discussed the factors influencing the concept of creating visual images of cities, regions and entire areas, considered successful visualization practices and their impact on the tourist, cultural and economic development of a place. After the theoretical part, the participants were divided into teams, each of which had to choose a significant place in Moscow, come up with its visual image and slogan. Then the teams presented their projects.

The participants of the second creative workshop also worked in groups. Each of the three groups was given the task to come up with 15 associations with Moscow, and then, based on these associations, to create a collage depicting the image of modern Moscow and Muscovites.

The Forum was concluded by the discussion platform “Who am I? Moscow Matryoshka doll of identities”, which brought together all Forum participants.

After Forum seven special events as lectures and workshops were delivered to Moscow schoolchildren and students of twenty two Moscow educational organizations. Both MPGU pedagogues and students were lecturers of these events. The total number of participants are over 1000 people.