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The Reading World

Cultural Event

05/10/2023 0:00 - 07/10/2023 0:00

Global | Ryazan | Ryazan Regional Universal Scientific Library named after Gorky

Cultural performance

Languages: Russian

The interregional festival of the national book “The Reading World” is the main book festival of the region. The festival contributes to the development and promotion of reading, the preservation of cultural traditions, the strengthening of cultural ties with the regions of the Russian Federation and the world cultural space. Interest in the regional book project is growing. The network of participants and guests of the festival is constantly expanding. Among the events of the festival there are literary events, competitions, presentations of new books and magazines, performances by writers and creative teams, and much more.

The purpose of the annual festival is: integration of the culture of the Ryazan region into the Russian and world cultural space; ensuring cultural exchange between the regions of the Russian Federation; strengthening cultural ties of the Ryazan region with neighboring countries; the formation of a sustainable interest in reading.

The main event of the festival is a book fair, where publishing houses and publishing organizations from various regions of Russia and neighboring countries present their products. Residents of the city and the region get the opportunity to get acquainted with the best works of fiction, scientific, documentary, educational, children’s literature of the Ryazan region and the leading publishing houses of Russia.

As a result of the project, a positive image of the region is being formed, cultural ties with the regions of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries are being strengthened, and there is an exchange of experience in the work of regional publishing houses of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries.