Regional festival – fairy tale competition includes the small peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East living in the Kamchatka Territory “Murgin lymn, yl”, from November 21 to December 10, 2023
Cultural Event
13/03/2025 18:49 - 18:49
Asia and the Pacific | Петропавловск-Камчатский | улица Советская, 35, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Russia
Cultural performance
Languages: Itelmen, Koryak, Chukchi, Aleut (Western, Commander Islands)
Regional festival – fairy tale competition includes the small peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East living in the Kamchatka Territory “Murgin lymn, yl”, from November 21 to December 10, 2023 From December 6 to 9, participants of the competition commission of the festival-competition of fairy tales “Murgin Lymn, Yil” chose the winners. Participants sent their works in video format. 5 groups and 5 soloists took part in the competition. A total of 44 people. On December 10, the winners of the competition were posted on the KCST website. Most of the materials were sent by participants from the Koryak district.
On December 10, in the concert hall of the Oktyabrsky Philharmonic, a gala concert of the regional festival-competition of fairy tales of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East living in the Kamchatka Territory, “Murgin Lymyl” took place.
From three o’clock the fabulous events began in the foyer. Spectators took part in a photo shoot in national clothes from the KORITEV folk youth national ensemble. At this time, master classes were held on the second floor. The leading methodologist of the KCST, Zhanna Tomenyuk, and her assistants created fairy-tale characters from plasticine with small children; for adults, Zhanna Pavlovna showed how to make a pendant in an ethnic style.
Employees of the Kamchatka Regional Scientific Library named after. S.P. Krasheninnikov held a book exhibition of fairy tales. It is pleasant to note that many children knew the main characters of Kamchatka fairy tales – Kutkinyaka and his wife Mitta, mischievous mice, the cunning fox and many others.
The concert program began at four o’clock. The auditorium was full, despite the weather conditions: wet snow could not interfere with the fairy tale festival-competition. It was not a concert, but a fabulous performance. The main characters of the mythological tales of the peoples of Kamchatka, Raven – Kutkinyaku and his wife Mita from unexpectedly appeared in the auditorium. They greeted the audience and treated them to national dishes. Then they sat down on the stage, near the yaranga, began to remember their favorite fairy tales and drink tea.
The performance was a breeze: dynamic, bright and cheerful. The audience saw many interesting fairy tales in the native languages of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East and enjoyed the performances of national ensembles of the region. The concert was attended by the folk group “Heritage” from the village. Palana, soloists Anatoly Sorokin, Galia Aigina, Sergei Kutynkavav, Maria Ilyushina, guest from Magadan Olga Neyolova, national ensembles “KORITEV”, “Eygunychvyn” and “Uykoal”.
The event ended with the ceremonial awarding of participants in the regional festival-competition of fairy tales of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East living in the Kamchatka Territory “Murgin Lymyl”. Everyone received memorable diplomas, and the winners were awarded cash certificates.