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“Preserve Not Forget: Indigenous Peoples languages as the basis of the multinational Russia’s cultural heritage”

Conferences / Advisory Event

10/09/2023 17:00 - 18:20

Global | Vladivostok | Far Eastern Federal University Campus

Side event

Languages: Russian

The session was held in the ‘Soul of Russia. The North’ pavillion, ‘Far East Street’ exhibition during the Eastern Economic Forum 2023.

The native language is the treasury of the cultural memory of the people, the basis of their national self-identification and the heritage of world civilization. Its value is not measured by the number of people.

The International Decade of the World’s Indigenous Languages (IDIL 2022-2032) calls for humankind’s attention to the vulnerable situation of indigenous languages due to their small numbers and calls for the mobilization of stakeholders and resources for conservation, revitalization and development of the Indigenous Languages.

Topics for discussion:

• How to preserve, strengthen and integrate the languages and traditional cultures of indigenous peoples into the modern socio-cultural context? What solutions do indigenous peoples offer?
• How to motivate modern children and youth to learn their native language? What should the state and the Indigenous peoples themselves do for this?
• What is the value of traditional pedagogy of indigenous peoples and how does it influence the upbringing of children and the transmission of their native language from generation to generation?
• What practices for preserving the Indigenous languages are working successfully?
• Digitalization of the cultural linguistic heritage of indigenous peoples. What are the new possibilities of modern technologies in preserving and strengthening the Indigenous languages?