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On the Day of the Karelian Runes, a workshop “Karelian runes – the basis of the cultural code of the people” was held at the House of Friendship of Peoples

Capacity building Event

10/06/2024 0:00 - 0:00

Europe and North America | Petrozavodsk | 3, Titov str.


Languages: Russian, Karelian (Karelia)

The date was not chosen by chance. On June 10, 1820, the first written fixation of the Karelian rune was made: the Finnish physician, researcher of epic runes Topelius Sr. recorded several runes from a Karelian peddler from Akonlaksha. This marked the beginning of a systematic collection of runic poetry from the Karelians.

Karelian runes do not lose their relevance even now. Being the quintessence of folk wisdom, they remain a storehouse of knowledge about the way of life of our ancestors, a source of creative inspiration for artists, writers, and musicians.

The Seminar guests enjoyed the sound of runes performed in different variations, learned what a programmable kantele is, found out if the runes were sung under the kantele and played the exciting game Bring back the Sampo.