Interregional competition of Tatar song and instrumental music performers “URAL SANDUGACHY”
Cultural Event
31/03/2024 14:00 - 17:30
Asia and the Pacific | Екатеринбург | Свердловский государственный областной Дворец народного творчества
Cultural performance
Languages: Russian
The founders of the competition:
Ministry of Culture of the Sverdlovsk region.
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan.
The Executive Committee of the World Congress of Tatars.
The organizers of the competition: Permanent Representation of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Sverdlovsk region. The regional public organization “Congress of Tatars (Tatars of the Urals) of the Sverdlovsk region“. GAUK SO “Sverdlovsk State Regional Palace of Folk Art“.
The goals and objectives of the competition:
raising the level of national consciousness and explaining to the general public the need to preserve national culture, language, traditions; enrichment and popularization of the national heritage, promotion of Tatar folk songs and works by Tatar composers; identification of new names and support for talented and original musical talents, the best vocalists and instrumentalists performing Tatar folk songs and works by Tatar composers; introducing the younger generation to their native language, history and culture; establishment of creative contacts with collectives and individual performers, mutual enrichment of national cultures; creating favorable conditions for the development of young talents and their creative potential; introducing performers among children and youth to the traditions of Tatar folk music.
The procedure and conditions of the competition: The interregional competition of performers of Tatar song and instrumental music “URAL SANDUGACHY“ is held on March 30-31, 2024 in the Sverdlovsk State Regional Palace of Folk Art at the address: Yekaterinburg, Festivalnaya str., 12. The event is a qualifying round of the International Television competition “Tatar Mony“ named after I. Shakirov. Soloists–vocalists, vocal and vocal–instrumental ensembles, performers on musical instruments are invited to participate in the competition.
Age groups of participants: from 5 to 17 years old (inclusive); from 18 to 35 years old (inclusive); from 36 years old and older (nomination “Mignonette“).
The competition is held in the following categories: solo singing; vocal, vocal and instrumental ensembles; instrumental creativity.
The participants in the nominations “Solo singing“ and “Vocal, vocal and instrumental ensembles“ represent (to choose from) three different works, lasting no more than 3 minutes of each work: Folk song “a‘capella“ (unaccompanied); A song from the 30–90s; a song to choose from (including the author‘s).
The vocal repertoire must match the age of the contestant. The songs should sound in the Tatar language and be diverse in style and character, the pronunciation of the sounds should correspond to the Tatar orthoepy.
The participants in the nomination “Instrumental performance“ present one treatment of Tatar folk melodies or one work by a Tatar composer lasting no more than 4 minutes.
The soundtrack must be (without voice — “minus one“) and recorded on “flash card“ media: Full name of the contestant; territorial affiliation (region, city, district, village); the title of the works and track numbers (in Russian).
If necessary, the organizers can provide an accompanist – accordion player (specify in the application additionally).
The order of performance of the contestants is determined by the organizing committee. The winners of the Grand Prix of the competition of previous years have the right to participate in the competition no earlier than three years later.
To participate in the competition, you must submit an application (Appendix No. 1) to the organizing committee by March 22, 2024 by e-mail
A separate application is submitted for each nomination.
The gala concert is free of charge for the audience.
The following events will take place within the framework of the Interregional competition of performers of Tatar song and instrumental music “URAL SANDUGACHY”:
March 30, 2024:
competition program (1 competition);
March 31, 2024:
master class in vocal and instrumental creativity (1 master class);
Gala concert of the winners (1 review).
Summing up and awarding:
A competent jury is created to evaluate the performances. Based on the results of the competition program, the jury determines the Winner of the I, II, III degrees in the appropriate nomination and in each age group. Additional nominations and special diplomas may be offered by the decision of the jury. All participants of the competition are awarded with diplomas for participation. According to the results of the competition, the winner of the Grand Prix can be determined.
Evaluation criteria:
performing skills;
stage culture;
matching the repertoire and the image;
stage costume;
the quality of the musical accompaniment.
The jury reserves the right to:
interrupt the contestant’s performance (if necessary);
not to award the Grand Prix and places in one or another nomination;
to give recommendations for participation in regional, all-Russian, international
festivals and competitions, including the International Television Festival “Tatar Mony” named after I. Shakirov in Kazan, as well as socially significant creative actions;
the decisions of the jury of the competition are not subject to appeal and revision.
Financing of the competition:
Sources of financing:
at the expense of the organizers and founders;
at the expense of voluntary donations.
Travel expenses (travel, accommodation, meals) at the expense of the sending organization. Hotel reservations are made by the participants themselves. Meals for participants during the qualifying round are provided in the form of a set lunch of 400 rubles per person according to preliminary requests.
Sponsors and partners of the competition:
The partners and sponsors of the competition can be: private or state-owned enterprises and organizations, private individuals. They are given the right to award nominal scholarships for the participants of the competition and special prizes. Enterprises, organizations and individuals can become permanent partners of the competition. Partners are provided with ample opportunities to place their ads and a full package of advertising services.
Contact phone numbers:
Tel: 8(343) 371-43-19; 8-922-199-19-66 Yusupov Rifat Rashidovich – consultant of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Tatarstan.
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