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II Festival of Culture – competition “Parade of folk and exemplary groups of vocal and choral type of artistic creativity”

Cultural Event

19/12/2022 10:00 - 20/04/2023 21:00

Europe and North America | Syktyvkar | 61 Lenin Street, Syktyvkar, Russia, 167000

Cultural performance

Languages: Komi

The II Festival of Culture – competition “Parade of folk and exemplary vocal and choral groups of artistic creativity” was held from December 19, 2022 to April 20, 2023 and was dedicated to the anniversaries of poets and composers of the Komi Republic in 2023:
– 80 years of Miroshnichenko Nadezhda Alexandrovna.
– 85 years since the birth of Vasily Nikolaevich Chuvyurov.
– 100 years since the birth of Alexander Georgievich Osipov.
– 90 years since the birth of Albert Egorovich Vaneev.
– 135 years since the birth of Savin Viktor Alekseevich.
On April 20, 2023, a gala concert of the festival-competition “Songs of the Northern Patterns” took place on the stage of the Komi Republican Philharmonic.
The first stage of the festival took place between December 19, 2023 and January 16, 2023. In the first stage, the participating teams submitted applications for participation in the competition. In total, 55 applications were submitted from collectives from 15 municipalities of the Republic

The qualifying round took place on March 21, 2023. The jury of the festival:
Kholmanskikh Irina Anatolyevna;
Gnedykh Natalia Mikhailovna;
Ivanova Irina Yurievna;
Rochev Olga Egorovna;
Rudenko Oksana Olegovna.

As a result of the selection round, the jury decided to allow 23 bands to participate in the final concert.

The teams that did not make it to the final round were sent diplomas of participants in electronic format.
The selected groups took part in the gala concert “And songs of the Northern Patterns”, held on April 20, 2023 on the stage of the Komi Republican Philharmonic. Each team received a participant’s diploma.
The director of the gala concert was V.F. Kudashov and a group of participants of an additional professional program – the professional retraining program “PRO.Culture.Komi: “Directing mass, theatrical performances, holidays and socio-cultural projects”, for which the work on the concert became a practical final qualification work of the course.
As a result, the jury of the competition determined the winners.
The winners were:
Nomination “Ensembles of folk song” – Folk collective of amateur artistic creativity of the Komi Republic – ensemble “July”.
Nomination “Ensembles of song and dance” – Folk collective of amateur artistic creativity of the Komi Republic – song and dance ensemble “Pelys molyas”.
Nomination “Children’s folk song ensembles” – An exemplary children’s collective of the Komi Republic – folk song ensemble “Lado”.
Nomination “Children’s variety studios” – An exemplary children’s collective of the Komi Republic – vocal and variety ensemble “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik”.
Nomination “Folk choirs” – Folk collective of amateur artistic creativity – to the choir “Pivnichne syaivo”.
Nomination “Folklore collectives” – Folk collective of amateur artistic creativity – folklore collective “Ylӧga shy”.

The winner of the III degree is the People’s Collective of Amateur Artistic Creativity of the Komi Republic – the academic choir of Syktyvkar.
The winner of the II degree is the Exemplary children’s collective of the Komi Republic – the ensemble of the folk song “Azure Color”.
The winner of the I degree is the Exemplary children’s collective of the Komi Republic – the choral collective “The Voice of Childhood”.

Grand Prix – People’s collective of amateur artistic creativity of the Komi Republic – folk ensemble “Sipertas”.

The winners in the nominations were awarded diplomas in the framework, the winner of the III degree received a diploma made to order from wood with printed fabric and a small cup of the festival, the winner of the II degree received a diploma made to order from wood with carved patterns and a small cup of the festival, the winner of the I degree received a diploma. Made to order from glazed ceramics and a small festival cup, the winner of the competition received a diploma made of metal and a large festival cup.