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By tradition, on the eve of the International Mother Tongue Day in the village of Veshkelitsa in the Republic of Karelia, a celebration of the Folk Theater “That’s really funny – Kukastu kummua” took place.

Cultural Event

19/02/2023 0:00 - 0:00

Europe and North America | Veshkelitsa | 3 Shkolnaya str.


Languages: Karelian (Karelia), Russian

Amateur groups working in national languages from the cities of Petrozavodsk, Sortavala and the village of Veshkelitsa presented their performances on the stage of the ethnocultural center “Veshkelys”:

– children’s dance group “N’amuizet”,
– a group of 1-2 grades of the Veshkelitsa school, performance “Repka”,
– collective 5-6-7 grades of the Veshkelitsa school, performance “Hobby”,
– ensemble “Zadorinka”, Sortavala,
– the collective of the 11th grade of the Veshkelitsa school, performance “The Tale of a thief”,
– Karelian Folk Theater Cičiliusku, excerpt from the play Horšma šou or “Ivan-tea show”,
– family duet Chaikin Sergei and Marina, performance “Deaf wife”,
– duet Chaikin Sergei and Kornilova Albina, performance “Doctor”,
– theater studio of the ethnocenter “Veshkelys”, performance “Hares in the cellar”,
– folk-song ensemble “Veshkelys”,
– folk-band Revinnyh kottu.