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Celebration of International Decade of Indigenous Languages

Others Event

29/09/2023 10:00 - 15:00

Asia and the Pacific | Ri-Bhoi | University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya

Community event - Awareness

Languages: Assamese, Hindi, English, Rabha

Event Description: 

The event will feature a dynamic program designed to engage and educate students on the importance of indigenous languages within the context of social work and cultural preservation. The following activities and sessions are planned: 

  1. Inaugural Ceremony: A formal opening ceremony featuring guest speakers, including indigenous language experts and community leaders. 
  2. Keynote Address: Mr. Nethi Sai Kiran, Founder at Boli Cheto will deliver a keynote address on the “Significance of IDIL and the role of Social Workers in Language preservation” 
  3. Panel Discussions: Panels of indigenous language speakers, social workers, and academics will discuss the challenges and opportunities related to indigenous language preservation and cultural revitalization.
  4. Special Talk: by Mr. Naresh Babu Kunche, former PMRDF,  Topic: “People Led Development”
  5. Interactive Workshops: Workshops will be conducted on topics such as language documentation, community-based language revitalization, and the role of social work in supporting indigenous communities. 


By the end of the event, participants should have a deeper understanding of the importance of indigenous languages, the challenges faced by indigenous communities, and the role that social workers can play in supporting language preservation and cultural revitalization efforts.