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A panel discussion on ‘Greater awareness of the importance of linguistic diversity and multilingualism, and their contribution to self-empowerment and societal development’ at Indian Heritage Centre, Singapore.

Cultural Event

12/02/2023 10:00 - 14:00

Asia and the Pacific | Singapore | Indian Heritage Centre, Singapore

Cultural performance

Languages: English

A Panel Discussion on “Greater Awareness of the Importance of Linguistic Diversity and Multilingualism, and Their Contribution to Self-empowerment and Societal Development.” was organised in ALS CARAVAN 2023 SINGAPORE. Panellists Eric Tinsay Valles, Stephanie Chan, Daryl Lim Wei Jie, Manoj Krishnan, and Dr Pallavi Narayan exchanged views on the multilinguistic and diverse Singapore nation, with emphasis on the cross-pollination of languages that globalisation brings, citing concerns for Chinese dialects and languages like Baby Malay and to ensuring their intergenerational transmission. Alka Balain moderated the session.

Asian Literary Society organised its ALS CARAVAN 2023 SINGAPORE at the Indian Heritage Centre, Singapore, on 12th February to promote Singapore’s rich multicultural heritage and diversity.

Asian Literary Society(ALS) Founder Manoj Krishnan also outlined the mission of the community to promote literature, art, and indigenous languages of Asian countries and enhance cross-cultural understanding of people from the continent. Alka Balain, ALS Chapter Head, Singapore, spearheaded providing a global platform to Asian writers and artists. The focus was to create an all-inclusive community giving equal opportunities to all, both in India & Singapore.

As UNESCO earmarks the decade as the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, Kevin Martens Wong, Director, Kodrah Kristang, shared the initiatives to revitalise Kristang, one of the endangered languages of Singapore.