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A family weekend in the form of an evening of fiction reading

Capacity building Event

20/04/2024 0:00 - 21/04/2024 0:00

Europe and North America | Vladikavkaz | улица Коцоева, 43, Владикавказ, Республика Северная Осетия — Алания, Russia

Seminars and training/courses

Languages: Ossetic

On the 20th and 21st of April, 2024, in the Department of Local Folklore of the State Budgetary Institution “National Scientific Library of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania” a family weekend was held in the form of an evening of fiction reading – “Аргъæуттæ къонайы фарсмæ”, the programme of the event was:

– Stories by the fireplace (reading and discussion of fairy tales in the Ossetian language).

– Book-illustration exhibition “Чингуытæ – сывæллæттæн”.

– Presentation of cartoons in the Ossetian language.