«Cultural origins»
Cultural Event
08/08/2024 10:00 - 11:00
Global | Ryazan | Спасский район, село Кирицы, улица Фон Дервиза, дом 2, корпус 1
Cultural performance
Languages: Russian
An interactive program for children from the Belgorod region was dedicated to the cultural traditions of the peoples of Russia.
The children listened with great interest to the story of the staff of the WORLD AND I center about the ethnocultural diversity of our country, accompanied by a colorful presentation. They learned what alphabet the Tatars used, who the ancient Slavs called “Komas,” what is depicted on the flag and coat of arms of the Republic of Mordovia, as well as many interesting facts about the life of other peoples. Children watched animated videos dedicated to the customs of various nationalities of the Russian Federation and tried themselves as translators from the Tatar language.