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Tatarcha Dictant

Capacity building Event

13/10/2023 13:00 - 15/10/2023 15:00

Global | Chelyabinsk | 454071,Chelyabinsk, Saliutnaya, 22

Academic event

Languages: Russian, Tatar

Participants of the dictation wrote an excerpt from Marsel Galiev’s story “Timә, yashasen!”. The action is aimed at uniting Tatar language speakers living all over the world, increasing interest in mastering the literary Tatar language, the organizers explain. “Tatarcha Dictant” is organized by the Ministry of Youth Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan, the World Congress of Tatars, the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan Federal University, the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan and others. The dictation is traditionally written by schoolchildren, students, employees of educational and cultural institutions, and representatives of the authorities. The event was held on the basis of the municipal public institution “Centre of the People’s Unity”