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The implementation of the Plan of main events held in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania in 2022 – 2032 within the framework of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania

Cultural Event

01/07/2023 0:00 - 18/10/2023 0:00

Europe and North America | Vladikavkaz | Kosta Ave, 172, Vladikavkaz, Respublika Severnaya Osetiya — Alaniya, Russia, 362020

Cultural performance

Languages: Ossetic

North Ossetian State Academic Theater named after V. Thapsaev has staged 2 premiere performances to date:

“King Lear” directed by – Honored Artist of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania and Kabardino-Balkaria Givi Valiev;

“Chele” directed by People’s Artist of North Ossetia-Alania Alexander Bitarov.

By the end of 2023, 4 more premiere performances are planned:


“12 chairs”;


“Look into your heart.”

Tour events of the State Budgetary Institution “North Ossetian State Academic Theater named after. V. Thapsaev” for the Ossetian diaspora took place in May-June 2023, including:

“Big tour” in Volgograd (May 2023);

XVI International Theater Festival of Turkic Peoples “Nauruz” in Kazan (June 2023).

In November-December of this year, tours are planned to the Republic of Dagestan and the Republic of Adygea.

Also within the framework of the program this year, the following events took place:

Day of Ossetian Language and Literature;

Memorial Day K.L. Khetagurova;

International Mother Language Day.

The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania has developed an Event Plan dedicated to the celebration of the 164th anniversary of the birth of K.L. Khetagurov, within the framework of which festive events will be held in the republic through the efforts of cultural institutions from October 10 to 18 of this year.