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Karelia celebrates the Day of Karelian Runes

Capacity building Event

09/06/2023 0:00 - 10/06/2023 0:00

Europe and North America | Petrozavodsk | 3, G. Titov str.

Seminars and training/courses

Languages: Russian, Karelian (Karelia)

A workshop “Karelian Runes: Tradition and Modernity” was held in Petrozavodsk on the eve of Karelian Rune Day, which is celebrated in the republic on June 10.

The participants of the event were representatives of scientific and cultural institutions, educational organizations, mass media, national public organizations.

At the seminar, they talked about the Karelian runic tradition, as well as the possibilities of using Karelian runes in today’s life, including in working with children and youth. The seminar participants also tried themselves as modern rune singers and played a transformational ethno-game based on the plot of the epic poem “Kalevala”.

The decoration of the event was the performance of the ensemble “Istoki”.