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video | “Fairy tales that you can listen to”

One of the forms of knowledge transfer about the people is folklore. Fairy tales are accessible, and most importantly, they convey the identity of any ethnic group in an interesting way, therefore they attract the attention of both children and adults. They contain the core of spiritual values that express both collective and individual principles. Through folk art, we get acquainted with respect for the land, diligence, caring for loved ones, hospitality, a sense of duty, respect for ancestors... In 2019, the project "Fairy Tales that you can listen to" was born in the Sakhalin Regional Museum of Local Lore. In the format of short videos, listeners can get acquainted with stories read in Russian and the languages of the indigenous peoples of our region. The author of the project was the leading methodologist of the museum projects department Fedor Sergeyevich Mygun, a representative of the nivkhs and a master of decorative and applied creativity.
